// Local Limelight (EVO Staff Edition!): Julia Schwarz
Julia is our Youth Programs Director and if you’ve ever met her, you probably became fast friends! She’s an awesome instructor, always psyched to help in whatever way she can, and is basically one of the nicest humans you’ll ever meet.
We miss seeing her around the gym SO MUCH, but hearing about how she’s been utilizing her time at home has us inspired.
What have you been doing to stay active during quarantine?
Since I’ve been working remotely and am racking up long hours on the computer, I’ve been making sure to get outside and walk a few miles a day, either around the neighborhood or at local trails. I’ve been loving all the online yoga classes our local studios are offering, and am very thankful for the way this remote practice is bringing the community together!

Yes, shout out to all of the amazing yoga and fitness instructors that have been keeping us moving while stuck at home!
What kind of home activities have you been doing to stay sane?
I’ve been doing a lot of reading, drawing, painting, and cooking!
What/who have you been drawing inspiration from during this time?
I’ve been really inspired by the way our community has come together to support one another during this time. When everything is moving quickly it’s easy to get sucked into our own worlds, but it’s important to stop and think about the bigger picture.
Any silver linings from spending more time at home?
I’ve had the opportunity to really slow down, prior to COVID I was working 3 jobs and was out of the house for nearly 12 hours/day. I am appreciating this unexpected time and space to relax, to cook nice dinners, and enjoy the hobbies I didn’t prioritize with a busy lifestyle.
I’m also appreciating getting to hang with my cat, Isaac, all day!

Do you have any plans for when everything settles down?
Once things calm down I’d love to explore new trails and venture beyond southern Maine. I can’t wait for summer camping/hiking/climbing trips!
What do you miss most about EVO?
I miss seeing everyone in our community. I miss encouraging kiddos to push themselves in their climbing.
I miss climbing!

Thanks for sharing your art and home life, Julia! We miss the heck out of you.